What are PAC funds used to support?
Each year, Cedar Grove PAC funds numerous teacher and student initiatives and activities throughout the school.
Criteria that influence the allocation of funding include the following:
Is the request for PAC funds valid / important to the school?
How many students will benefit?
Are alternative sources of financing available?
How much funding has this activity or group already received in prior years?
It is important to note that the school does not have the funds to cover all of the requests that the PAC receives & will not cover expenses over what has been .
PAC Budget Documents
Below you will find current PAC budgets with a comparison to actual costs and revenues. The PAC executive meets in the early fall to craft budgets for its two accounts: admin and gaming. Proposed budgets are then submitted to parents at a PAC meeting (usually October) for discussion, amendment and voting.
In compliance with the Cedar Grove PAC Constitution, all requests for funding exceeding $200 made after the PAC budgets are passed, must be discussed, voted on and passed at a subsequent PAC meeting.
CGE PAC Comparison Actual to Budget - 2022/2023 School Year (PENDING)